Do you suffer from prolonged periods of stress? If the answer is yes, it could be making you sick. Your health is at risk because prolonged stress changes your bodily functions and organs through suppression of your immune system.
If you're constantly sick and think your stress levels are to blame, here are the signs to look for, courtesy of Bel Marra Health:
- Damaged or fractured teeth - We tend to grind our teeth when we are stressed out.
- Weight gain - Hormones become awry and this will often times make you feel hungry. You'll also crave unhealthy foods, and this will undoubtedly make you gain weight.
- Lethargy - It doesn't matter if you're getting enough sleep or not, chronic stress leaves those affected fatigued. It also causes anxiety, which is taxing on your body, leaving you feeling exhausted.
Find out more about the toll stress can take on your health by reading this Bel Marra Health article